Monday, April 8, 2013

I Just Became A Member Of The Baarz Diabetics seems there is no such thing as having pre diabetes, (then why did the nurse tell me that). I have mild diabetes, which he is putting me on a pill 2 times a day for. He thinks if I lose weight and eat better and exercise that I may likely not need the pills anymore in the future. (one can hope for this). My thyroid is normal (insert laughter here as we all know that I am far from normal), my cholesterol is slightly elevated, but not anything to be worried about (doctor said he was surprised by this result). I have lost 10 pounds, not as much as I was hoping for (throwing that evil, lying scale in the trash). My blood pressure was way higher in his office, as was my pulse. (Yours would be too, if you are female, and you're sitting across from a good looking male doctor, and the only other guy that is hot looking, that you are allowed to look at is your husband). However I showed him the last month of my daily recorded BP readings and he says he thinks I am fine just taking half the water pill. My leg edema is only at a trace, (this is a good thing as my legs do not look like tree stumps any more). He had me do another blood test, my potassium may be to high, which is probably the reason for my rapid heart rate. (more like I got more exercise walking into and out of the doctors office, than I have all month). He cleared me to go to the gym, (anyone know the weight limit on those machines :P) to do some light cardio exercises. (I tried to tell him I do this every morning just getting out of bed, but he just gave me a funny look) Next appointment is in 3 months. So there it is in a nutshell Oh and I still need to meet with the dietician Already know what she is going to say: No more fast food. lol.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

To Bra Or Not To Bra, That Is The Question

So a few weeks back in one of our family discussions we were talking about bra's, and I was saying I really should start wearing one again, to lift up my sagging boobs. You see I like the natural way, no constraints, and since I rarely leave the house, who cares right? Up until last week I had owned 1 bra, which I had misplaced, maybe on purpose who knows really. So that night my daughter Kara, who is experienced in the art of bra measuring, measured my boobies, and brought me 2 very nice new bra's, in a size we will not mention, lol. They have been sitting in my drawer all week, I saw them every morning in there, and got dressed without them, and I have been free. Today I figured I should wear one as the family is coming over tonight. My heck who and why did someone ever invent one of these boobie trappers, this sucker hurts like no other, my upper arms seem to come in contact with the ladies every move I make. If anyone comes close, they may lose an eye. Had to be a man who invented it, probably coz he didn't want his wife showing things only he wanted to see. Ah well, changes in life are supposed to be good right?

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Not A Spring Chicken Anymore

Yesterday we had our grandson Ayden who is almost 2 years old, over. That boy is well, a very active little boy, and I spent a good part of the day with him. We read, played blocks, played cars, he used my body as a bouncy castle, all in good fun.
He arrived at our house around 7 a.m., and left around 3 p.m.. We left at that point to take my son to work, came home, ate some dinner and I crashed. Normally I have trouble sleeping, not last night, I went to sleep about 6 p.m., got up around 11 p.m. to do a few things, went back to bed around 12 a.m, and slept clear through till 7 a.m this morning.
Ayden is here again today, but I think I will let him tire my daughter Em and my son Jeff out today. I love spending time with my "little man"...but I have certainly come to realize I am not a spring chicken anymore.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Water Bottle Incident

We spend most Sunday evenings, with all our kids and their kids. We have dinner, watch a movie, play games, that sort of thing. We enjoy this time together.
Tonight as we were waiting for dinner to finish cooking, we all settled down in our family room area. My husband brought down 2 water bottles, one for him and one for me, as the kids already had theirs.
I opened my water bottle took a few sips and then put it down on the couch next to my leg. My oldest daughter was coming down the stairs, with a water bottle, which she proceeded to open and take a sip of. She sputtered, made a sour face and told us that, that bottle was definitely not hers, as it had some sort of flavoring in it. She set it down on the chest to my right. 
Sometime later, I reached over to get a drink, and since I usually put my drinks on the same spot as the water bottle was, I grabbed it and took a big swig of it, made a sour face, swallowed the icky liquid, and put it back where it was, thinking no one was the wiser that I had also added my germs to the bottle.
Well, in the end the joke was on me, as my daughter who had taken the first drink from the bottle, spit her mouth full back into the bottle, and I literally drank her spit. They had a good laugh, we all did.
I still wonder who that bottle belonged to in the first place, since no one claimed it, hopefully it hadn't been stuck under some couch cushion for months.
I for one will be more careful of where I put my drinks from now on.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Early Morning

It's still dark outside, as it is very early here still. As I sit here at the computer, I listen to the quietness of the house, an occassional cough from one of the children, a T.V. left on by our 18 year old son, who no doubt talked and texted himself to sleep with his new friend who also happens to be a girl, my husband snoring, a phone alarm going off somewhere downstairs, the wind gently blowing through the pines outside my window, and the rain.
It started as a gentle drizzle, then to a more noisy down pour, then like a waterfall pouring down out of the sky, then back to a noisy down pour, and then to the gentle drizzle, then silence like the still darkness of the outside.
In a few short hours, the house will come alive again, as the kids get up, showers are taken, food is eaten, my husband resumes his endless typing on the computer behind me...and I shall reflect on the beautiful sounds of the rain that fell outside of my window, and gave me a small sense of peace.

Of Mice and Man

Fall ~ 2010

We seem to be having a mouse invasion here at our house. We live on a one acre wooded lot, with lots of wildlife coming and going out there, which we enjoy watching...out there. But when such wildlife invades the inside of our house, then we have a problem.
Back to the mice....I know they serve a purpose in the great food chain of life, however, I do not like the idea of them sharing what we eat, so once spotted inside the house, my husband set out to capture said mice.
Now we all know how wonderful our men are, and expect them to take care of our problems in life. So naturally I expected my husband to take care of the mouses in our houses.
First he bought those funky black plastic jobbers, that are the modern new fangled better than the old wooden trap models of our youth. Well, long story short, the mice found it to be a cozy home that offered free food to them. When my husband picked one up to move it to a new location, the mouse hopped out and ran away.
His next try was with the more supposedly humane way of trapping them, the dreaded sticky mouse paper. Well it seems the mice were a bit to smart for them, as we did not catch any mice. We did however catch our daughters dog, I have never seen a dog do such amazing tricks when stuck to a piece of paper like he was.
Our last ditch effort was the "big guns" of mouse catching...out came the Decon...our last resort, but very necessary at this point. Finally our mouses were out of my houses or so I thought.......
Fall ~ 2011 I was cleaning out one of our downstairs closets the other day I found a very dead, very dried out , but still intact mouse, hanging by his tail, by none other than one of those funky black plastic mouse houses of last fall.
Mice: zero
Man: winner

WHAT!...'s been a year since my last post? Okay so I am lazy, more so I think I may be a bit boring as well. Ah well, here we go anyways.
Life has happened here at my house, yes it does have a way of doing that I know, so I will try and catch up with the following posts on this blog.
I hope that some of my family stories will appeal to all of you, except perhaps my children, who say I embarrass them.
But isn't that what mothers are for?